🎉We're a 2019 Roddenberry Fellow!

We are thrilled to share that our founder Ivelyse Andino will be joining 19 other activists and changemakers for the 2019 Roddenberry Fellowship!

The project Radical Relay is being recognized for the direct impact of health equity in NYC and the United States.

The Roddenberry Fellowship supports 20 activists, organizers, leaders, and changemakers who are working to make the US a more inclusive and equitable place to live. Fellows’ projects focus on one of four issues: implement a project or initiative that has a direct impact in one of four major issue areas.

  • Civil Rights

  • Immigration & Refugee Rights

  • LGBTQIA & Women’s Rights

  • Environmental Protection

We’ll be sharing our progress as we move along and for more info you can check out The Roddenberry 2019 Fellowship Announcement Website: https://roddenberryfellowship.org/

Announcement Link: https://bit.ly/2TAZ7xU


LATINX FOUNDERS COLLECTIVE | Ivelyse Andino Founder Profile


A New Start - Radical Health Mott Haven